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Inghelbrecht - Requiem [Compact Disc] AMS88

Inghelbrecht - Requiem [Compact Disc] AMS88


To a refined orchestration worthy of the most illustrious examples, Inghelbrecht joins in these pages the obvious concern to express the prayer of the participants in this liturgy of the funeral.


  • Christiane Eda-Pierre, soprano
  • Rémy Corazza, tenor
  • Bernard Kruyssen, baritone
  • Bernard Demigny, baritone
  • Jeanne Baudry-Godard, organ

Head of Mastery: Jacques Jouineau

Head of Chorus: Jeanne Baudry-Godard

ORTF National Orchestra and Choirs

Direction: Jean Fournet
Artistic direction: Carl de Nys

Requiem for soloists, choirs, orchestra and organ
1. Introït and Kyrie (6'04 '')

2. Dies Irae (3'21 '')

3. Sanctus (4'46 '')

4. Pie Jesu (2'06 '')
5. Agnus Dei (2'33 '')

6. Libera me (5'15 '')

7. In Paradisum (3'07 '')


Vezelay for soloist, choir and orchestra
8. On the way, Midi on the hill (4'37 '')

9. Stones Legends (5'47 '')

10. Nocturne (6'05 '')
11. Crusades and fights (5'39 '')

12. The happy home (4'52 '')

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