It is with immense pleasure that we share the attention given to our work by the renowned Japanese journal "Stereo", specializing in high-fidelity audio.
They dedicated an article to our work in their June 2023 edition. The piece highlights the role of mastering engineer Bruno Gaullier, his vital contribution to the preservation and propagation of André Charlin's unique sonic legacy. Bruno is the modern steward of the Charlin sound, demonstrating his mastery by overseeing the remastering of our "Premium" box set, which continues to grow in popularity in Japan.

Here is a summary of the article:
Bruno Gaullier is enamored with the recordings of André Charlin, the audio innovator who revolutionized sound perception in the 20th century. Bruno first discovered Charlin in 1966 through his records, then met him in person in 1968 at the sound festival and in 1970 at the CECE. His passion for sound led him to attend film school, focusing on sound/electroacoustics, and to immerse himself in the world of recording and sound capture.
André Charlin was, in Bruno's words, "a remarkable man" and "an inventor" who had perfect command over his domain. One of André Charlin's greatest feats was the creation of an "artificial head" which, according to Bruno, produced impressive results not only for headphone listening, but also for high-fidelity speaker listening.
Bruno's mission is to preserve the work of André Charlin by remastering his recordings, using delicate and complex techniques to maintain the integrity of the original sound. For this, he uses original tapes, tape copies, and, when nothing else is available, "mothers" from engraving. He has even managed to overcome the complications of TRIO tapes by placing them in an oven to remove solvents before they can be faithfully transcribed.
Bruno's work has already borne fruit. He has remastered two records, MILHAUD and CAMPRA, with impressive results. The MILHAUD offers a very lively and natural sound, giving the impression that the orchestra's instruments are right in front of you. The CAMPRA, on the other hand, is notable for its stereophonic effect and the natural sound achieved following a complex digital transposition process.
There is much to expect from Bruno Gaullier in the future. He is currently working on a compilation reminiscent of the "festival du son" records, as well as on DEBUSSY's opera "Pélleas & Mélisande" and MOZART's oratorio "Bétulia Liberata".

It is with great pride that we see Bruno and the precious legacy of André Charlin being recognized beyond the French borders. This recognition, materialized by this respected article in the Japanese magazine "Stereo", underscores the influence and reach of French expertise on the international stage.
It is crucial that we continue to preserve and share these exceptional recordings with the world. And as Bruno so aptly put it: "I want to do my utmost to transmit and make known Charlin's recordings throughout the world."